Google tests Task Mate will pay India user to perform simple tasks | Pakistan Cup 2021 Schedule
Google tests Task Mate will pay India user to perform simple tasks | Pakistan Cup 2021 Schedule
November 30, 2020 Author : ch799
In India, Google is testing the Task Mate software, through which users can earn money by
completing smartphone tasks. Task Mate is currently available in beta according to the product
description on PlayStore and is limited to selected testers at the moment who can access the app
via a referral code.
By merely locating nearby tasks, completing a task to start earning, and finally, by cashing out
their earnings, the app helps users to make money. Task Mate is a Google-made beta app that
gives access to a selection of basic tasks posted by companies around the world. Take a picture
of a nearby eatery, answer questions about your interests from the survey, or help translate
sentences from English to your local language, for example.
The PlayStore screenshots of the Task Mate app show that users can perform tasks such as taking
pictures of shop fronts, capturing spoken words, transcribing sentences from English to their
local language.
Google finds the tasks themselves to be straightforward, and they come from organizations around
the world. 9to5 Google noted that they are classified as sitting or field tasks, with the
latter, noting how many minutes you have to walk.
As of now, only the software under development can be accessed by users and can be accessed via
referral codes or invitation codes. Google has noticed that it is learning to find ways to
provide additional earning opportunities through crowdsourcing. Google also has an app called
Google Opinion Rewards in place that asks users questions about its goods in return for credit
from the Play Store. It is not explicit when the app will be subject to daily users.